Safety and Health Coordinator

451 E. 3rd St.
Winona, MN  55987
phone: (507) 457-8255  
fax:  (507) 452-0345

Safety Coordinator, 
Susan K. Priem

Click here for safety related links

City Safety Coordinator Sue Priem started with the City on March 1, 2000.  The Safety Coordinator office is located at the Central Fire Station.  The position reports to the fire chief and oversees the many safety concerns in the work environment.

This position helps to ensure that city employees not only receive all mandated training regulated by OSHA, such as AWAIR, Right-to-Know, Infection Control, etc., but also receive any training that helps to create a safer work environment.

The Safety Coordinator reviews all accidents and injuries involving city employees while working for the city.  She works as a liaison between the employee and the insurance companies that cover workers compensation claims.

The Safety Coordinator develops and maintains policies and records for drug and alcohol testing and conducts safety inspections of city properties.

For current information on the activities of this office, go to the 2003 Annual Report.


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